Explain text should appear instead of this. The “{{appname}}” key you are using is invalid. Please talk to your sales representative to get a new key. The “{{appname}}” key you are using has expired. Please talk to your sales representative to get a new key. “{{appname}}” has detected another copy of itself with the identical key. You may try to validate a new key or disable “{{appname}}”. Quitting now will abruptly close all active sessions. Is this what you want to do? Are you certain you want to close the connection to {{1:%s}}? There are too many Tektronix windows open now; you must close a Tektronix window before another one can be opened. There is not enough memory to open another Tektronix window. You should close some windows or increase “{{appname}}’s” memory allocation. Do you really want to erase your registration key? After quitting and restarting “{{appname}}” you will need to enter a new registration key. There is not enough memory to open another telnet session. You should close some windows or increase “{{appname}}’s” memory allocation. You must close some telnet sessions before you can open another session.